The Power of Your Social Graph for Jobs


JIBE is redefining the job search landscape with the power of social media.  The site which is currently in private beta allows candidates to connect their social profiles on Linkedin and Facebook when they apply for jobs.   Jibe will also be connecting to Twitter soon to expand users social graph out even further.  The system will allow companies to more clearly identify how their current employees are connected to a prospective job candidate in order to better evaluate candidacy through referrals. “What is out there now only scratches the surface of what we can do with your social networks and allow you to really network your way into a job and employers use their social connections to see how they are connected to candidates,” says Jibe founder Joe Essenfeld.   Jibe is going after the white-collar-jobs focused college-grad  demographic.  “Those are the early adopters of technology, those are the ones that are most fluent in social media and just higher level of candidate which is why we are an attractive proposition for these employers.”  To that end, Jibe is working with recruitment offices on several top college campuses to spread the word about their site and encourage students to apply. “People using JIBE are not the ones who are on Monster and Craigslist applying with the masses,” says Essenfeld.  “These are the candidates that top firms want to reach.”

Jibe just closed first round of funding for 875k led by Polaris Venture Partners and notable angels like Jason Kalakanis. Essenfeld realizes this was a a major feat considering that the online job market is so highly saturated with many players including The Ladders.

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