Posts Tagged ‘Singles Events’

How about we…


These days it seems there’s a bevy of alternatives to online dating sites such as Save-the-Dat(e)ing and CookandDate that are centered around ice breaking activities as a way to bring young  singletons together.  Well now there’s another site called Howaboutwe that’s joining the pack.  While I first  found out about the quirky dating site from […]

Cook and Date


Cristina Mucciardi is changing up the dating game and giving new meaning to mingling with other singletons with her venture  Mucciardi, a native of Montreal, turned her passion for cooking and entertaining others into a full-time business.  The concept behind CookandDate is a “gastronically enjoyable experience where you can learn, eat and mingle, in […]

Most people would agree that they would rather meet offline rather than online, even if they have to pay a higher fee to do so.   Thus spawned Hattie Elliot’s dating concept with a catchy name called Save-the-Date(ing).  Founder Hattie Elliot created a community of carefully vetted members who are single professionals living in New York […]